Freddie See Freddie See

Day without the sun

17th of March 2022

I’m at the skyscraper flat, top floor, where I keep my boat. As you do… I’m glad that we are so high up, when the next wave comes in we have a chance go with a flow.

Its abour 11am, and I realised it’s still dark outside. I am quite sure it’s a day. The sky is covered with thick clouds and it is as dark as if it was night time. I am trying to stop some people and tell them about it, but everyone is ignoring me, rushing to do something. There is that distress in the air I feel they know. they suspect. And it’s no point going through it. Is this the begining of the end? Life without a sun? I see a man in a lift, the doors are closing, end before they do I notice, he’s got my jawelery on. There is that feeling of everyone just minding they own survival. Noone is running for life here. But everyone is determined to grab what’s handy.

I look at the sky again and I see stars, badly pixelated, I realise its a projection, a very obvious one and badly done. I grab my friend and I point out to the sky I say ‘look those stars are fake, they arent real!’

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Freddie See Freddie See

Radioactive leak

10th of March 2022

I’m with a dark haired lawyer who specialises in “plants”. I’m helping in his office, there is a leak from somemething that looks like a gas botle, but the leak is radioactive. We are trying to locate the leak, but struggle to find it and secure it. The bottle changes into a dead dogs body and on his side under the ribs there is a leak. There is an idea to send this to space but there is an obsticle in the orbit, and chances are the radiation would spread into the sky. We are the closest to the leak so whatever we do we are already doomed.  

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Freddie See Freddie See

Madman’s Map

5th of March 2022

I see 3 maps that belong to Putin, the first one shows Russia including Ukraine and Moldawia.

On the second map Russia includes all countries of past USSR including those that now belong to NATO and Asian countries.

The third map includes Germany and France.


I’m in a double decker bus, the bus fell over on its side.  

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Freddie See Freddie See

Mushroom exposion and twisted bombs on the train station

1st of March 2022

I am on some islands. I see a huge exposion on the horison on one of the islands. It has a mushroom shape. I am not sure what it is but then I see lava flowing towards us and pieces of land braking apart. My boyfriend asks me to take our belongings and leave. He tells me he will join me later. I am being transported to another island by water, lose some belongings in the process, then I am awaiting the airplain, but it becomes uncertain if it will arrive due to the air being so poluted with ash and smoke.

* * *

I am at the train station, waiting for a lift to go down to my platform. There is so much crowd and lifts are so slow I decide to give up the idea and take the stairs. Stairs are also full of people just sitting there and waiting. I get trhough and arrive at my platform, there are some trains waiting, overcrowded and delayed. I see a policeman with three round shaped bombs attached to his belt, they are quite compact considering what they can do. He takes one in his hand and explains to me this type of bomb is illegal, because when detonated it twists limbs, breaks necks, it can even damage a tank. I can help but wonder why he’s got three of them.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Elon Musk Special X Shoes for everyone

24th of February 2022

I am in the lift with Elon Musk and his friend. We are going to the top floor where his apartment is. I notice on the way that there are plenty of shoes that look exactly the same, they have two lines that go from the toes to the back of the heal and cross on the back of the shoe. I discovered that since Elon Musk got those shoes now everyone wants them. Everyone in the building has a pair. Elon is wearing red and black all over him, he loves those two colours. Once we arrived in his flat im meeting his mum and a diseable boy.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Machines in the sky

21st of February 2022

Im in the city. Walking through the zebra crossing amongst the crowds of people I have stopped in the middle of the road and opened up a small mechanical box releasing a flying transformer into the sky. My machine was huge and scary, it took off into the clouds. Then I saw five other transformers flying over our heads and realised im outnumbered. Still full of hopes we can make it.

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Freddie See Freddie See

The only friend of Vladimir Putin

19th of February 2022

Its winter. I'm sliding down the hill and im landing right at the feet of Vladimir Putin. He is very skinny, and for the first time ever, he looks scared. He is afraid for his life. His bodyguard immedietly stands in front of him and covers him with his own body. The rest of the security services are running towards him, then realise it was false alarm and back off. Vladimir is not happy with new sanctions, he was expecting them but there was something about it he did not see coming. Nearby this place, there is a dog, and a hairdresser. The dog is the only trustworthy friend.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Another Wave. Another struggle.

11th September 2021

I’m collecting winter clothes and food from the forest. They belong to me, some of them belong to other people who are temporarily, living here. We are expecting to be able to go somewhere now. Getting ready for it. I see a wave (wave of consciousness that also brings some turbulences) coming my way. I’m finding a piece of fence to hold on to and to take pressure of the wave. Thanks to that I didn’t get washed away. After the wave washing away I see that I have been holding on to a metal barbed wire fence sticking out of the water. It seems that the wave has gone through the border of a country.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and his friend

224th October 2021

I am meeting Vladimir Putin and his friend - someone I dont recognize but he seems to be his right hand. Vladimir is very charming but dengerous, if he doesn’t get what he is expecting of me he will threathen my life. He is telling me how he is positioning/settling his people in different places. He is getting rid of people who used to be somewhere and he is placing his own men there instead. He tells me with pride- this is what I have done with Belgravia, it’s all set up with my men. As soon as I want to walk away he pretands to stab me in my back.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dinner with the Queen

19th October 2021

I’m at the dinner with Queen Elizabeth and her husband. She wants to get up from the table and she is asking me for assistance. I am letting her my arm so its easier for her to walk but she falls down on the floor soon after. I am trying to lift her up but she begs me not to as it is making her chest uncomfortable. She says she feels the pressure on her chest. I notice an amulet on her neck, it looks like a green kryptonite. It looks a bit like my pedant. She really likes it. I am helping her to sit down at the window.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dream logbook archive records

It all begins with an idea.

28th April 2020

I feel the atmosphere of war. The prime minister look like Churchill. I do not agree with what he decided for us all. Someone is explaining to me that the situation on this planet have never been as bad as it is now.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dream logbook archive records

It all begins with an idea.

25th of November 2020

I’m in a shop, someone is shouting from the outside of the store the name of parcel ‘Chaff’.

There is a massive ball rolling inside of the shop.

I feel its important to write down the chemical content.

I am almost intimidating people in the shop to make them help me find out the content.

I am being moved to the microscopic reality and I see a DNA chain where every loop is a different entity.

I see green entities, a green female is holding a green toddler in her hands, the toddler is stabbing some small living creature with a screwdriver.

The mother is amused by his enthusiasm.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dream logbook archive records

It all begins with an idea.

20th of November 2020

The reality show is coming to the end. Everyone is getting cought and the show will begin again.

I am visiting someone in his flat, I’m climbing stairs after stairs and once he finally opens the door I ask- Why do you live so high up? He says- because where there is fear and terror people unite.

As I am tiding up my tarot cards and walking towards the wall. All of a sudden, a big wave of water sweeps all the place while I am being saved by the wall. Right after that another wave comes and takes almost everything with it. I notice a woman sitting in her chair and then disappearing in the water. At that point I realise those waves are very dangerous and they kill a lot of people.

I see birthday party of uncle Donald Tramp (don’t ask me why…) He blows the candles of the cake and right after that someone switches on the light. That is the end of this party.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dream logbook archive records

It all begins with an idea.

15th of February 2020

I am at the frozen lake and I see a watermill building. That’s where all the food storage is. I see group of man diving underneath the water to break into the storage from there. This way the owner of the storage will not find out that he has no supplies until the middle of winter.

I decide to walk along the cost. I am looking at the hundreds of small bats hanging on the tree and covering it all as if they were leaves. The tree is also loaded with bat eggs. I want to take one for myself.  

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dream logbook archive records

It all begins with an idea.

9th of February 2020

My diseased grandfather is with me. There is a blast, explosion. Everything is turned upside down within a moment. Nothing is as it used to be.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dream logbook archive records

It all begins with an idea.

9th of October 2019

Popping into the new planet to see if there is oxygen yet. And its there, I feel the breeze of fresh air. Very soon that planet will be ready.

I see a leper, offering him a probiotic drink. I offered it to others but no one wanted to catch the disease.

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Freddie See Freddie See

Dream logbook archive records

It all begins with an idea.

1st of September 2019

I am seeing 4 old man, moving underneath the water. Everyone of them have a walking stick and each stick has a different symbol.

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